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Amara too quickly finds herself falling into bouts of negativity or optimism. She really doesn't know who she is other then wishing to help other people. Yet becoming a Circe is a step towards discovering herself and more she didnt mean to.

The Circe Amara

Further as the story goes..more characters will be revealed, friend or foe.

Khaalida Damji

Khaalida is tough on everyone, if she's going to train you then listen. She is a veteran Circe that is currently training Ayano and Daila. Now Amara is the newest edition.


Ayano Takahashi

Ayano a newer and promising Circe is invested in finding out more about Circe. Besides this, she is a stubborn and passionate girl. Music is part of her and she considers it a way to voice her emotions.

Daila Backlund

Daila didn't care too much at first about being a Circe. Outfits and powers are perks but monsters? Then again it is a hell of a ride with her friends so she embraces it. She has a lot of interest in magical girl anime so it's like a dream come true!

Marie D'Amboise

Amara's current foster parent who tries her best to appeal to Amara's needs. However as much as she is senstive to what Amara needs, she also understands there is something more going on. On her free time, her and Amara love watching horror movies together! 

The Circe Ayano
The Circe Daila
Marie D'Amboise (DreamCirceMagica)


The Purple Butterfly

All Amara knows is she started appearing after Ayano's death. And as far she knows, she's the only one who has seen her so far. Whever she goes a purple butterfly seems to follow...

The Purple Butterfly (DreamCirceMagica)


A friendly Circe who offers help to all those who need it. Her powers resemble her cousin's Daila; yet hers are more in the explosive range.

The Circe Zippy


A quiet Circe who uses a thunder drum as his weapon! He's one of those Circe who hates transforming in front of others.

The Circe Thaddeus

BB (Belladora)

A very laid-back Circe who loves formal wear. They use their special ability more than their weapon.

The Circe BB


We don't know much about him yet...


We don't know much about her yet...

The Circe Elio
The Circe Atlas
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